Episode #5: Cellular Turnover & Training

Did you know that if you look at a picture of yourself from 3 years ago, that you do not have ANY of those same cells in your body today?

In this week’s episode we will be chatting about what this means for your horse.

Cellular turnover is constant, with some tissue types turning over faster than others.

Foals, like human babies, are born with an abundant amount of movement potential. As we train with the use of repetition and sport specific movements, the body (being efficient) reacts only to these stimulus and the turnover of tissue responds only to these demands. This is how range of motion becomes limited over time.

Learn how we can use this phenomenon to our great advantage in horse training, and also how we can prevent limitations in range of motion by correct tissue loading and training.

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Please note: The ideas expressed in this podcast are opinions only, and are not substitutes for proper veterinary care, veterinary medicine and other forms of bodywork. The opinions are not intended to be prescriptive or diagnostic in nature.

Judith Rathbone