Episode #21: Beware of Before & After Photos

Before & After photos are posted on so many bodywork accounts. But are they really useful?

Join me for this episode where I discuss the ethical/privacy issues photos raise, the illusions created by photography, the misrepresentation of a bodyworker’s skills, and the ever confusing photo caption “Can you see the difference?”.

Now, there is a time and place for photo journalism of sessions, but perhaps it’s time to stop using it as a way to judge the skills of an individual practitioner.


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Instagram: @starlineequinebodywork 
Website: starlinebodywork.com

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Please note: The ideas expressed in this podcast are opinions only, and are not substitutes for proper veterinary care, veterinary medicine and other forms of bodywork. The opinions are not intended to be prescriptive or diagnostic in nature.

Judith Rathbone